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Daily Archives: May 27, 2018

My Diary: Give Thanks

The sun’s rays slipped through the rainy clouds this morning faintly illuminating my room as I awoke with tired eyes.  A puffy, exhausted face greeted me from the bathroom mirror as I began my morning routine.  My face was round as the moon, my…

Traveling soon? 9 Things to pack if you have Crohn’s/IBD.

Traveling can be a stressful endeavor if you have Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis or any form of IBD.  The thought of going somewhere unknown where you don’t know what foods will be offered and where bathrooms will be located can cause anxiety…

On a Biologic? 5 Tips to Follow on Infusion Day!

Whether you are on Remicade, Entyvio, starting Stelara or any other biologic, infusion day can be a bit stressful, especially if you are in the middle of a flare.  Getting to the Infusion Center itself can be quite the challenge, and when you’re…

My Diary: Slurping Popsicles

*Written 1/13/2016 The great burst of 365 days which we have packed into the word year, catapults out and beyond ourselves with such colossal acceleration that it is a wonder if we can catch a glimpse of its silhouette. It seems as though…

3 Natural Remedies for Quick Heartburn Relief!

Heartburn is something I have wrestled with since high school.  I could go through a bottle of Tums in one week, easily.  The burning and discomfort of stomach acid throwing a wild party in my esophagus became a norm I had to deal with every…

3 Things I Wish I Knew When Diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease

Diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease at 21 years old back in 2011, shook and rattled me to my core.  I was a healthy, robust classical dancer who had never broken a bone, stayed in a hospital or dealt with any sort of sickness.&nbsp…

My Diary: Just Pass Through

*Written 10/14/2015 “You have had zero improvement,” said my gastroenterologist. I looked at him unbothered and listened to the proposed game plan: new medication involving an intramuscular injection every two weeks and continuation of the diet plan. It wasn’t until I got…