3 Natural Remedies for Quick Heartburn Relief!

Heartburn is something I have wrestled with since high school.  I could go through a bottle of Tums in one week, easily. 

The burning and discomfort of stomach acid throwing a wild party in my esophagus became a norm I had to deal with every single day. 

After years of it, heartburn became a nuisance I’d do anything to get rid of!

So here are some natural remedies I’ve learned over the years to help calm the fire:

1. Papaya Enzymes

Instead of Tums, Rolaids or any other mainstream heartburn relief, try some PAPAYA ENZYMES.  They give instant relief like a Tums would but without the icky ingredients. 

You can find them at your local drugstore or grocery store.  I use PAPAYA ENZYMES BY NATURE’S SUNSHINE and they work wonderfully.

2. Lemon Juice

Cut a lemon in half, squeeze it into a glass of water and drink up.  You will immediately feel relief! Oddly enough, the acid from the lemon is what helps with the reflux.

If needed, using a whole lemon is fine if you don’t experience relief from juicing half, so adjust as needed.

3. Diet Change

This is the most effective way to prevent heartburn.  Find your trigger foods and avoid them!  Mine are dairy, grains, and sugar.

If you eat something and you immediately experience heartburn, that’s your trigger food. Avoid, avoid, avoid. And if you know you are going to eat it, at least be prepared with papaya enzymes or lemon juice so you have something on hand to help you deal with the burn.

Crohnie Tip*

It is important to note that heartburn can also be caused by a structural problem in your digestive system which allows stomach acid to creep into the esophagus. 

I learned that I have a sliding hernia right where my stomach and esophagus meet, which leads to my frequent heartburn.  So if these remedies don’t help, talk to your Gastroenterologist—there may be a structural problem happening.

And there you have it! 3 natural remedies for heartburn: PAPAYA ENZYMES, lemon juice and diet change!

Do you suffer from heartburn?  Comment below and share your remedies, I’d love to hear from you!

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