3 Things I Wish I Knew When Diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease

Diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease at 21 years old back in 2011, shook and rattled me to my core.  I was a healthy, robust classical dancer who had never broken a bone, stayed in a hospital or dealt with any sort of sickness. 


I can remember sitting in my doctor’s office and hearing the words: “You have Crohn’s Disease.”

What? The word “disease” was what scared the crap out of me.  I had no idea what Crohn’s was but I immediately digested the word “disease” and it slapped me right out of my chair. 

I instantly went blank and whatever my doctor said afterwards just floated into the room and was absorbed by the four walls surrounding us. 

My ears were shut for the next 5 minutes.

Ears shut and sealed, I could only think..  How could I have a disease? This is a mistake.  I’ve never been sick before.  Surely this is a mistake.  I do not have a disease.  Okay, this is a mistake.

It was challenging to take in, but my doctor explained what Crohn’s Disease was and assured me that I was going to get better and have a normal life.

Fast forward seven years later, I have been on one crazy roller coaster ride with this diagnosis and it is only now that I have finally figured out what my body needs for solid healing.

If I could go back, I wish someone would have told me the following to save me agonizing years of “figuring things out” through trial and error.

Here’s what I wish I would have known from the beginning:

1. The importance of DIET!

Food plays a huge role in Crohn’s Disease.  Some doctors say no, but I beg to differ from experience.

Foods such as grains, dairy, and sugar cause inflammation.  You want to stay away from these foods so that you can lower inflammation and help your gut heal.  Once your symptoms subside you can slowly reintroduce these foods back in your diet but I suggest in moderation only.

Overall, quickly change your eating habits.  Keep a food diary and get to work figuring out what foods trigger a flare.

I suggest working with a Dietician who is familiar with Crohn’s Disease so you have someone in your corner to answer questions about food and portions.

N.A.E.T. treatment is also effective, at least it worked for me. Research it and see if you’re interested in exploring the treatment.  Also research leaky gut.  I had it, and once it was fixed through diet and supplements everything changed for me.

Crohnie Tip*

I suggest downloading the Cara app. It is a food diary, stool tracker, pain tracker, water tracker, workout tracker and so much more in one little app!  I use it every day and it has changed the game for me.  Oh and it’s free!  Download it now!

2. Don’t just rely on conventional medicine!

Find a Naturopathic Medical Doctor in your area and make an appointment.  You need to cover all your bases. 

Crohn’s is a tricky disease and I believe in tackling it from all angles—through modern medicine, natural medicine and diet. 

While on biologics, I journeyed into finding an incredible N.M.D. who completely changed my life.  Through muscle testing it was discovered that I had yeast, and bacteria overgrowth in my intestines, that I had the Ebstein Barr Virus, and a whole list of other things. 

It was through supplements paired with probiotics and diet change that I finally saw the light.  Biologics alone didn’t calm my symptoms and I was always bleeding, having diarrhea, severe abdominal cramping, anemia, the works.  Seeing the N.M.D. took these symptoms away.

3. You are your own best advocate—do your own research!

You must take the time to tackle this disease with great force and concentration.  For the first couple of years when I was diagnosed, I just relied on the conventional drugs (biologics + steroids) and that was it. 

Sometimes this is enough for Crohnies, but for me it wasn’t—I was always dealing with symptoms. 

I wish I would have been more diligent in figuring out other options.  I didn’t do much research on my own.

Crohn’s Disease is a case by case illness.  It hits everyone differently and everyone’s treatment must be tailored.  Do your own research.  Keep a food diary.  Be vocal if a medication isn’t working for you and change immediately. 

You know your body better than anyone else.  Listen to your gut and always get a second opinion. 

Fight symptoms from all angles.  Stock up on supplements like good quality probiotics, fish oil, vitamin d, hemp oil and that’s just to name a few.

Read books. Research diets.  Read about clinical studies.  Read, read, read.  Compile as much information as you can and find what works for you.

Don’t be discouraged! You can do this!  You will see the light and things will get better!  The body is an incredible machine and it will heal if you give it the right materials.  Have faith!

So remember! Change your diet, don’t just rely on conventional medication and be your own advocate!

Thanks for reading! Comment below and share what things worked best for you on your journey towards healing.  I’d love to hear from you!

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