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Browsing Tag: crohnie

The Ultimate Life-Hack for Crohn’s/IBD Toilet Woes!

If you suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease such as Crohn’s Disease (like me), Ulcerative Colitis or any other form of this unpleasant illness; even if you have IBS, this life-hack will be of tremendous service! Yup, I know.  You tend to spend…

How Celery Juice Changed My Life with Crohn’s Disease!

Do you feel like you are coasting through life with your horrible Crohn’s Disease symptoms? Are you in constant pain, always bleeding, running to the bathroom, dealing with anxiety, feeling run-down, battling depression? That was me, before I found Celery Juice. I was…

On a Biologic? 5 Tips to Follow on Infusion Day!

Whether you are on Remicade, Entyvio, starting Stelara or any other biologic, infusion day can be a bit stressful, especially if you are in the middle of a flare.  Getting to the Infusion Center itself can be quite the challenge, and when you’re…

3 Ways to Help Ease the Self-Injection Process!

If you have Crohn’s Disease or IBD, chances are you have to self-inject your medication.  This fact alone makes you a total badass!  Yup, you are one tough cookie and you should pat yourself on the back for it.  Who…