3 Ways to Help Ease the Self-Injection Process!

If you have Crohn’s Disease or IBD, chances are you have to self-inject your medication.  This fact alone makes you a total badass!  Yup, you are one tough cookie and you should pat yourself on the back for it. 

Who knew you were so strong?

Self-injecting can be quite the mental paradox.  Want to feel better?  Take this intimidating syringe, inject it willfully by yourself into your body and then you can feel better. 

It’s a bit of a mental game but hey, it’s part of the journey and we are so thankful for medicines that work, right?

So, if a little prick is the only thing standing in your way towards remission, well it’s time to get over the intimidation, put your big girl panties on and make it happen.

Here are some tips I’ve learned to help ease the process:

1. Ice, Ice, Baby.

Before you inject, place an ice pack over the injection-site.  Wait a minute or two until the skin is numb, then inject. It helps mask the prick!

Crohnie Tip*

This really helps if you are using the Humira Pen.  I don’t find it necessary for the Stelara injection as my experience has been totally painless.

2. Hey Mister DJ!

Play some music.  Whether it’s soothing classical or beastly hip-hop, music will help soothe the mind and change the atmosphere.  I always play music during my self-injections.  It makes a huge difference compared to doing it in total silence.  Even a little singing never hurt no body!

3. Reward yourself!

Make Injection Day a day to look forward to.  Plan your favorite meal for afterwards, or your favorite activity.  Maybe a beach day or a trip to your favorite hangout.  Give yourself an incentive and it’ll make the day that much better! 

If you feel tired once the medication gets absorbed, plan a movie day indoors, or order your favorite food in.

So remember! Use an ice pack, use music therapy, and make sure to reward yourself for being amazing!

What things do you do to help ease your self-injections?  Comment below and share!  I love hearing from you.

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