The 5 Best Natural Solutions Ever for Constipation!

If you have Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis or any other form of IBD, we all know and understand the nuisance of chronic constipation.  You have the urge to go, yet nothing comes out and the constant straining can lead to a lovely host of other problems such as:

  1. Hemorrhoids
  2. Rectal prolapse
  3. Anal fissure
  4. Fecal impaction

So what can we do to alleviate constipation? 

Well, thankfully there are so many natural solutions we can rely on, however, I am going to list the ones that I have found to be the most effective!

Ways to relieve constipation naturally:

1. Peppermint Essential Oil

This has become my go-to for relieving constipation.  I use a high quality therapeutic Peppermint Essential Oil by Young Living, that I rub 2-3 drops topically on my abdomen whenever I feel constipated.  I use this technique throughout the day until I have a bowel movement and it works! 

Peppermint Oil reduces colon spasms, and relaxes the muscles in the gut among its many benefits.  I find it to be highly effective in relieving constipation while also reducing bloating and gas.     

*Please note that not all Essential Oils are made equally.  If you are interested in using a high quality therapeutic essential oil that you can trust.  CLICK HERE to learn more!

2. Probiotics

This one is a HUGE help in keeping bowel movements regular, but it isn’t an immediate fix.  When I first started using probiotics, it took about a week for me to notice regular bowel movements.  However, if you struggle with constipation, I HIGHLY recommend finding a high quality probiotic to take daily so that you become regular. 

Everyone with IBD should be taking a probiotic, in my opinion.  I had major issues with constipation from the beginning of my diagnosis, and I did not become truly regular until I was introduced to probiotics. 

3. Abdomen Massage

This has been one of my most effective tools to help get things moving!  I am so happy I found this video on YouTube which I will share with you HERE.  Basically, you massage your colon with a gentle swoop motion of the hands starting from the Ascending Colon, to the Transverse Colon and down to the Descending Colon.  It truly works!  Whenever I perform this massage, I get results within minutes.  CLICK HERE to watch how!

*Please note that this abdomen massage should never be painful!  If you experience pain, stop immediately because you may have an impaction or another serious problem.  Call your Physician if you experience pain!

4. Celery Juice

Ah yes, how could I not include this healing juice!  I have been drinking 16oz of Celery Juice every morning for a couple of months now.  And Celery Juice does wonders for the digestive symptoms, and of course alleviates constipation.  This is a great routine to implement daily if you have chronic constipation.  CLICK HERE to read about how to start the Celery Juice Protocol!  It was a game changer for me!

5. Coffee

I have this option last, as for me, coffee is a last result.  I typically get abdominal cramping when I drink caffeinated coffee so I prefer to use all the options above first.  But!  As we all know, coffee has a laxative effect.  If you are desperate and don’t want to take actual laxatives, which should be a last resort, then coffee can be a big help!  Usually a full cup will have you going to the bathroom soon after. 

And there you have it.  The best natural ways to alleviate constipation!  There are tons of others, however, like I mentioned, these are the ones that I have found to be most effective for me.

How about you?  What remedies do you use in order to alleviate constipation?  Share below, I love to hear from you!

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  1. inetfusion crack | 8th Jun 19

    Great, bing took me stright here. thanks btw for post. Cheers!

    • Elizabeth | 9th Jun 19

      So happy you found it helpful and it was easy to find! Wishing you the best!

      Always dancing,

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