How to save yourself from a Public Restroom Disaster!

I know, I know. Having to unleash the beast in a Public Restroom is never the most fun thing to do. And better yet, if you suffer from an inflammatory Bowel Disease like Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis, using a Public Restroom during a flare can be quite horrific.

So many thoughts go on in our heads: 

What if someone is in the stall next to me?  Oh no, what if it smells?  I hope I don’t bump into anyone I know!  There better be toilet paper!  I hope my stall is clean! Why do I have to be sick in public! I wish I was in the comfort of my own home!

It’s okay, we ALL think it! 

Whenever it’s an emergency, whether your bowels are healthy or not, Public Restrooms can be a place that fills you with anxiety. 

So how can you best endure a flare-up or emergency situation when in a public setting? 

How do you save yourself from a Public Restroom Disaster?

Here are a few tips I have compiled along my years living with Crohn’s Disease:

1. Deep breaths!

Okay, this is essential!  DO NOT PANIC.  And I know, it is the first thing we always manage to do whenever the urge hits hard, especially if you open the door and see a line!  YIKES!  Panic-mode to the max.  

BUT!  I urge you to take deep breaths regardless of how bleak the situation looks.  Regardless of how long the line is, take deep breaths and remain as calm as possible.

The gut-mind connection is so real.  When you panic, your gut panics and urgency will worsen.  So do yourself a favor and perform the ultimate Jedi-Mind-Trick!  Stay calm, breathe and remain positive that soon you will relieve yourself.

It’s all about taking deep breaths from the diaphragm.  You can do it!

2. Speak up!

If there is a huge line, and you are on the verge of having an accident, SPEAK UP! 

Walk calmly to the front of the line and tap the person waiting.  Say something of this nature:

“Hi, I am really sorry but I have a medical condition and I am experiencing an emergency situation.  Can I please go into the next open stall?” 

I know how cringe-worthy this is.  BUT!  You guys, in all my years of having done this, I have NEVER had someone tell me no. 

And let’s be real, usually when you get to this point of desperation, just the look in your eyes says it all.  A person would have to be totally heartless to not oblige.  So have faith in humanity.  Kindness is real and alive! 

Also, if you prefer, it helps to show your Medical Alert Card.  This card states that you have an Inflammatory Bowel Disease and that you need a restroom immediately.  If you don’t have one, you can get one HERE!  This is a great option to use if you are in a public space where bathrooms are available but not open to customers.      

3. Have the essentials handy!

Once you have made it into the stall, make sure you have access to your essentials which are: baby wipes, peppermint essential oil, pads/liners, new underwear if needed, and POO-POURRI.  If you haven’t, read my post on 6 THINGS TO KEEP IN YOUR PURSE to learn more about why these items are so important to have on hand.   

4. Have your phone accessible.

In case your flare is severe, it is easy to get dehydrated if you experience excessive diarrhea.  I always make sure my cell phone is handy if I need to text someone for help. 

For example, if I get light-headed or dizzy, I always text who ever I’m with, so they are aware.  Usually he/she will check on me periodically to make sure I am okay. 

5. Clean up!

Accidents are no fun.  Feeling sick in public is no fun.  But please, and I repeat, please, no matter what, if there is any sort of mess, clean up after yourself.  You are probably thinking, well duh of course, my mama raised me better than that!  But, you’ll be surprised. 

I know you’ve experienced it plenty of times, where you enter a stall and it’s a total mess.  Not cool.  So pay it forward and don’t do the same to others.   

6. Laugh.

This one is important.  Don’t get down on yourself for having to deal with an uncomfortable situation.  Yes, maybe you were on the verge of crapping your pants, and you had to cut the line and deal with a messy bathroom etc.  But if you allow embarrassment or shame to creep in, it will ruin your day. 

So instead, laugh!  It’s life.  It happens.  Look at the bright side, you made it to the Loo in time and that’s all that matters!  And even if you didn’t make it, you’ll have one heck of a story to share later! 

And there you have it!  6 ways to avoid a Public Restroom Disaster! Stay calm, speak up, have your essentials handy, use your phone for emergency, tidy up and laugh about it all in the end! 

Biggest tip: have those ESSENTIALS handy and always, always remain calm!  If you remain calm, your gut will remain calm.

What else do you do to save yourself from a Public Restroom Disaster?  Any other tips you want to add?  Comment below and share!

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