My Diary: Timing

*Written 6/9/2015

Isn’t it awful when you get a good thing at the wrong time?  The jovial news of a long awaited promotion arriving the same day your spouse decides to suggest divorce.  Or the chivalric request of a proper dinner date, from a most charming requestor, on the afternoon you must catch a flight home from vacation.  Even the simple offer of a plump red-velvet cupcake can be terribly debilitating if your mouth is inflamed and nursing from a root canal.  Timing.  Timing is everything.

Oh but how satisfyingly grand it is when you get a good thing at the right time.  The stars-align and life seems to swell with candy, cliché happy music, chirping birds and sparkles.  Lots of sparkles.  The sky is the bluest blue and fluffy white puppies seem to flank every street corner.  It’s the good life, as Frank Sinatra would say.

It is from this sort of happy place that I write to you today.  I have been offered a new season in my life.  A season to heal, recharge and reemerge with newness.  Grasping this opportunity with hungry and desperate hands, I am thankful, humbled and expectant of the good things to unfold.  However, I am not foolish, nor do I live a life of illusions.  Of course, I will have good days and bad as I embark on this new program to heal from Crohn’s Disease; everything in God’s time of course.  But, my mental space is set to winning.

I will happily share that I just received news from my gastroenterologist that I am no longer anemic, iron deficient or vitamin D deficient.  My inflammatory markers are only a hair abnormal and all other tests fell in the normal category.  Cue fireworks.  Might I add, I have only been doing this new program for about four weeks and currently waiting for supplements and other components to arrive.  My body is responding beautifully.  Cue tap-dancing panda.

Although I am in a season where things have aligned with utter precision, I will be sensitive to those who are in the other space.  To you I will say, know that it is a temporary place, as all things are in life—the season will soon pass and recede away like the ocean tide.  Never lose sight of this reality and do not live illusioned or believing the false idea that you are stuck and will never move forward.  The same rings true for my current moment.  In this life we will have many troubles¹.  So live presently.  Live hourly.  Live with gusto.  And always know that weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning².  Time is fleeting.  And although timing can be paradoxical, it is ever-changing.



¹ John 16.33 ² Psalm 30.5
Photo Credit: Nischal Shetty

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