Why You Need A Squatty Potty ASAP!

Their slogan says it all: The Squatty Potty will make your bad poops good and your good poops great.  Giggling.  I love their marketing, its cheeky, funny and their YouTube video: “Unicorns Poop Ice Cream?” is a knee-slapper.  CHECK IT OUT!

But besides the hilarious advertising, the product itself works and honestly, even if you don’t struggle with IBD like Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis, you should be using the SQUATTY POTTY ASAP!

Basically, this product unkinks your colon during a bowel movement! 

What does this mean? 

Well, in Western Culture, we have decided to invent the toilet, however the sitting position assumed while on the toilet is the incorrect position to have a bowel movement.

For centuries, humans used to squat in order to eliminate.  The squatting position allows for a more complete elimination and an easier, less forced experience. 

For comfort, somewhere along the line, the toilet was invented and the proper squatting position was eradicated, but our anatomy remained the same.

The Puborectalis Muscle must be relaxed for ease in elimination, and sitting on a toilet strains this muscle which kinks the colon.  That’s where the SQUATTY POTTY comes into play. 

No one enjoys squatting during a bowel movement, so the SQUATTY POTTY brilliantly provided a product that elevates the legs to mimic the squatting position while seated.

Until you use it, you don’t realize how easy, and less of a strain it is to have a bowel movement while assuming the correct position. 

The SQUATTY POTTY conveniently slides under the toilet so that it is not seen until used.  You simply slide out the stool whenever you are going to eliminate and then tuck it away when finished.  You get the convenience of sitting and the benefit of squatting.

So yes, get the SQUATTY POTTY!  It will put your colon at ease and your body will thank you for assuming the correct position!

I’ve attached a link below so you can check it out!

Do you use the Squatty Potty?  Comment below and share with us why you love it!

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  1. Vibrators | 23rd May 19

    The first time I used my Squatty Potty was after yoga. I shimmied my sweat-drenched leggings down mid-calf, tried to step on the stool, and tripped. Turns out that stepping onto a nine-inch stool with compression leggings around your ankles isn t easy. So, after catching myself on the sink, I took my pants all the way off and lowered my Squatty Potty by two inches (it’s adjustable, btw).

    • Elizabeth | 23rd May 19

      lol!! This is so funny. Yea, I think I would trip too if I had on sweat-drenched leggings. But glad you didn’t give up after you tripped and still went for it! I love using it!

      Always dancing,

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