8 Things to Keep in Your Bathroom at All Times!

Have you created a Throne Tray for yourself at home?  A tray containing all the essential goods needed during a flare?  Everything at easy reach and displayed in an organized and pretty fashion?

Intrigued?  What goods could I be speaking of?

Well, it’s the essentials that are needed whenever you experience a flare.  In moments of intense pain or urgency, it makes a girl feel at ease when everything needed during a flare is within arm’s reach.

Anyone who has IBD, in my case Crohn’s Disease, establishes an intimate relationship with the throne.  That’s right—we sit on the toilet for hours at a time (sometimes even all day) and it can potentially be some of the most painful and agonizing hours of our lives.  So, let’s make the experience as comfortable as possible, shall we?

First, depending on the layout of your bathroom, in my case I have the space for this, place a pretty tray on the floor next to your toilet.  If you don’t have space for this, try and find a spot that’s in arm’s reach.

I have conveniently named this tray: The Throne Tray.  And we are going to fill this tray with all our crapping necessities.

Now, neatly place the following items on your beautiful and quaint Throne Tray:

    1. Baby Wipes– I always use unscented and un-chlorinated baby wipes.
    2. Peppermint Essential Oil– I apply this on my stomach to ease cramping and nauseousness. Remember, not all essential oils are made equally.  I highly suggest purchasing from Young Living as these are pure, therapeutic oils and can be used topically.  Click here to purchase! Not all oils found in the big box stores can be used topically.  Always read the labels!  And if you read something else in the ingredients other than the Latin Name of the plant used, don’t purchase it!
    3. Liners/Pads- During a flare I always have a liner or pad on. This is there for those moments when you can’t get to the bathroom in time or if anything flies out unexpectedly.  Yikes.
    4. Underwear- Sometimes you just don’t make it in time so it will give you peace of mind having a fresh set waiting for you. I suggest folding it up and placing it in a pretty mason jar.  But if things get crazy, sometimes you just have to jump in the shower.  Can I get an amen?
    5. Phone Charger- Yup, I just went there. If you’re phone dies you may get bored—millennial problems.  Even though whenever I am in a severe flare I can’t even think about being on my phone.  I literally have my eyes closed and want someone to put me out of my misery.
    6. Poo-Pourri- Poo-Pourri is a spray-before-you-go odor eliminating spray that has zero synthetic fragrance and is made with essential oils.  Their marketing is beyond funny.  My favorite fragrance names are: Royal Flush, Sitting Pretty, Ship Happens, and my all-time favorite: Trap-A-Crap.  Spray this before you go and you’ll be happier sitting in your sh*t.

                7. Toilet paper- I like to always have an extra roll at arm’s reach. There is nothing worse than running out of toilet paper in the middle of a flare and having to awkwardly get up and get the extra roll located underneath the sink or somewhere that isn’t arm’s length in the bathroom.

               8. Add anything else for your personal needs. Perhaps a book or prescribed ointment.  This Throne Tray is just for you and your specific needs.  Feel free to make it you’re own.


And there you have it, your own personal guide to creating you’re very own Throne Tray.

What else do you keep in your bathroom if you have IBD?  Share below!

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